

Straumann 与全球顶尖的临床医生一起,在最复杂的身体状况和治疗方案下测试了 SLActive® 表面,以证明 SLActive® 具有极大的促愈合潜力。测试表明,即使在有严重健康受损的患者中,SLActive® 也能表现出非凡的临床性能。请了解高性能 SLActive® 种植体如何促进患者伤口愈合。


在一项随机临床试验中,SLActive® 种植体用于接受过放射治疗的患者时,1 年1 和 5 年2, 3 随访后的成功率为 100%。


临床证据显示 SLActive® 在糖尿病患者中具有高度的可预期性。4


在最近的一项临床前研究中5,八周内 SLActive® 表现出的新骨形成总量显著高于标准的 Straumann® SLA® 表面。



youTooth 文章


1 Patients  treated with dental implants after surgery and radio-chemotherapy of oral cancer.Heberer S, Kilic S, Hossamo J, Raguse J-D, Nelson K. Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with modified and conventional sandblasted, acid-etched implants: preliminary results of a split-mouth study.Clin.Oral Impl.Res.22, 2011; 546–551. 2 C. Nack, J.-D. Raguse, A. Stricker, K. Nelson & S. Nahles.Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with chemically modified and conventional SLA implants: five-year follow-up.Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015 42; 57—64. 3  Nelson, K., Stricker, A., Raguse, J.-D. and Nahles, S. (2016), Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with chemically modified and conventional SLA implants: a clinical clarification.J Oral Rehabil, 43: 871–872. doi:10.1111/joor.12434. 4 Machuca G., Cabrera J.J.“A prospective, case-control clinical study of titanium-zirconium alloyw implants with hydrophilic surface in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus” Manuscript accepted. 5 Straumann (2016).SLActive supports enhanced bone formation in a minipig surgical GBR model with coronal circumferential defects.未发布的数据