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15th André Schroeder Research Prize goes to Maria Retzepi 


Geneva, 17 April 2010: One of the most prestigious awards in dentistry, the André Schroeder Research Prize, was presented today at the World Symposium of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) in Geneva, Switzerland. Beat Spalinger, President and CEO of Straumann, presented the award to Dr Maria Retzepi, a specialist periodontist and clinical lecturer at the University College London Eastman Dental Institute.


Dr Retzepi is commended for her work on ‘The Effect of Experimental Diabetes on Guided Bone Regeneration’. In particular, she has investigated the impact of uncontrolled and controlled diabetes on the histological events and on the gene profiles expressed by cells involved in the healing process following guided bone regeneration.


Maria Retzepi graduated as a Dental Surgeon from the University of Athens Dental School, where she also obtained her Master of Science degree in Oral Biology and Certificate of Clinical Specialisation in Periodontics with distinction. She then completed a clinical fellowship at the Department of Periodontology and Fixed Prosthodontics, University of Berne, Switzerland. Dr Retzepi received her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree from the University College London Eastman Dental Institute, where she is currently appointed as a clinical lecturer in Periodontology.


Guided Bone Regeneration

In dentistry, guided bone regeneration refers to the technique of using a barrier membrane placed over the treated bone defect to prevent soft tissue growing into the area, in which new bone is needed.


Dr Retzepi’s work showed that although diabetes compromises the initial stages of bone healing, guided bone regeneration can provide an environment that is conducive for significant, even though delayed, formation of new bone. The use of insulin to control diabetes may enhance the bone regeneration potential. Understanding the genetic aspects of the metabolic status may lead to new approaches for treating oral bone defects in diabetic patients.


About the André Schroeder Research Prize

First presented in 1992, the coveted Prize – which is worth CHF 20 000 – serves to promote new scientific findings in oral implantology and related fields. It is given in honor of the late Professor André Schroeder (1918–2004), who pioneered dental implantology and whose life’s work contributed greatly to modern dentistry. Sponsored by Straumann, the André Schroeder Prize furthers illustrates the company’s commitment in the field of research and development, where it ranks among the leading contributors in the industry.


Previous winners are: Dieter Weingart (1992), Franz Sutter (1993), Daniel Buser (1995), David Cochran (1996), Joachim Hermann (1997), Siegfried Heckmann (1998), Alexandra Behneke (2000), Leif Persson (2001), Lisa Mayfield (2002), Yuelian Liu (2003), Michael Hänggi (2004), Xiaolong Zhu (2005), Karthikeyan Subramani (2006) and Frank Schwarz (2007).


The ITI World Symposium has become one of the leading scientific meetings in implant dentistry and related fields. With more than 3800 participants, it provides an ideal setting for the presentation of the Award – not least because Professor Schroeder was one of the founders of the ITI.


