Xpert Unit®
Connected implantology motor

Connected implantology motor*
Xpert Unit® is the new, ergonomically designed, connected dental implantology motor that offers high performance and efficiency.
Connected to a dedicated mobile app, Xpert Unit® provides new solutions for the traceability of surgery data, tracking of equipment and updates, as well as access to a wide range of services.
Xpert Unit® allows you to focus on the essential – your patients.
*Depending on geographical availability. Please contact your local Anthogyr representative.

Wireless foot pedal, ultra-light micromotor and contra-angle, XL touch screen

High torque capacity, up to 80 N.cm

Easy navigation, great flexibility of programs

Flexibility of programs, patients first

Did you know?
Resulting from more than 70 years of industrial experience in rotary equipment, Anthogyr has marketed several generations of recognized implantology engines. 25 years after the Expert Unit, Anthogyr has launched Xpert Unit®, a connected motor innovative, which has retained its simplicity of use, the secret of the success of its predecessor.